Recently, i realised that when you grow older, and you understand the world more(or u think you do), time seem to pass faster. e.g. When you are in primary school, everything passes so darn slow and you are constantly looking forward to the end-o-the-year holidays.Then ,you enter secondary school…form 1 was a blast ! form 2 was even better >hope it lasted longer though…form 3 :what happened then ar? only clear memory is of the day i got my 1st hp and the PMR exam. Form 4 >just seems like yesterday that teachers are sorting us into our classes.. form 5 :whoa…hit the breaks! Time’s rolling by too fast! … got the picture?..and now we're all in uni/coll life....really fast..too fast...
So , life is all about catching up with that phenomenon we call "time". Is time actually a "thing" we can refer to as an object ? Or is it just a way of us keeping track of our lives. Imagine a world without "time" .Come to think of it , it seems highly impossible cus people’s sentence will hang halfway "hey dude!How was your party during er…. " . Everyone will be wondering how old they are.Lol.Well, its just a thought. It really doesn’t make sense though, cause people are bound to invent "time" …It just depends on what they name it. Maybe in another dimension, people call it " toim".Haha..
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